Vth All-Russian Scientific Conference

"Thermophysics and Physical Hydrodynamics"

with the school for young scientists
Yalta, Republic of Crimea, 13-20 September 2020

Maksim Sergeevich Makarov

+7(383) 330-6044

+7(952) 916-0827

Dmitry Vladimirovich Smovzh

+7(913) 921-9555

Miskiv Nikolay Bogdanovich

+7(913) 487-8154


Eduard Letov (“MKS” Ltd.)

+7(495) 726-5135

+7(985) 045-7465 WhatsApp & Viber




Dear colleagues!

The program of the conference can be downloaded here.


Dear colleagues!

In response to a popular demand, the Organizing Committee of the IV All-Russian Conference "Thermophysics and Physical Hydrodynamics" with elements of the school of young scientists has decided to extend the deadline for submission of applications and abstracts until May 31, 2020. Information on the acceptance of reports will be sent out by June 10, 2020.


Organizing Committee


Dear colleagues!

Because of the restrictions imposed on the work of organizations in most regions of Russia by the Organizing Committee of the V All-Russian Conference “Thermophysics and Physical Hydrodynamics” (TPH2020) with elements of a school for young scientists, it was decided to extend the deadlines for registering applications and submit abstracts until May 10, 2020. Information on the acceptance of reports will be sent out by May 20, 2020.


Organizing Committee


Dear colleagues!

We are inviting you to take part in the Vth All-Russian Conference "Thermophysics and Physical Hydrodynamics" with elements of the school of young scientists! The Conference will be held in Yalta, Republic of Crimea, from 13th to 20nd September 2020.

The first information message can be downloaded here.


Organizing Committee