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Основные публикации
R. Ahluwalia, P.V. Yudin, A.S. Yurkov, Order parameter boundary conditions for ferroics: Application to flexoelectricity // Physica Status Solidi B, 255 (3), 2017, 1700312 (5 p).
A.A. Gavrilov, A.V. Sentyabov, A.A. Dekterev, K. Hanjalić, Vortical structures and pressure pulsations in draft tube of a Francis-99 turbine at part load: RANS and hybrid RANS/LES analysis. // Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 63, 2017, 158-171.
A.S. Nebuchinov, Yu.A. Lozhkin, A.V. Bilsky, D.M. Markovich, Combination of PIV and PLIF methods to study convective heat transfer in an impinging // Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., 80, 2017, 139-146.
X. Zhao, M. Tokarev, E.A. Hartono, V. Chernoray, T. Gronstedt, Experimental validation of the aerodynamic characteristics of an aero-engine intercooler // J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Trans. ASME, 139(5), 2017, 51201 (10p).
E. Maheux, M.Y. Hrebtov, G. Sukhorukov, N.N. Kozyulin, M.S. Bobrov, K.G. Dobroselsky, L.M. Chikishev, V.M. Dulin, P.V. Yudin, A strategy for high specific power pyroelectric energy harvesting from a fluid source // Appl. Phys. Lett., 111 (23), 2017, 233903.
L.M. Chikishev, V.M. Dulin, O.A. Gobyzov, A.S. Lobasov, D.M. Markovich, Mixing in a model gas turbine combustor studied by panoramic optical techniques // Thermophys. Aeromech., 24 (3), 2017, 347-353.
A.R. Evseev. Visual study of turbulent filtration in porous media // J. Por. Media, 20 (6), 2017.
M. Hrebtov, K. Hanjalić, Numerical study of winter diurnal convection over the city of Krasnoyarsk: Effects of non-freezing river, undulating fog and steam devils // Bound.-Lay. Meteor., 163 (3), 2017, 469-495.
K. Hanjalić, M. Hrebtov, Ground boundary conditions for thermal convection over horizontal surfaces at high rayleigh numbers // Bound.-Lay. Meteor., 160 (1), 2016, 41-61.
I.V. Mitin, D.Ph. Sikovsky, B.B. Ilyushin, Application of the modeling probability distribution functions for Lagrangian simulation of a passive tracer in the atmospheric boundary layer // J. Engineer. Thermophys., 25 (4), 2016, 495-503.
M.P. Tokarev, D.K. Sharaborin, A.S. Lobasov, L.M. Chikishev, V.M. Dulin, D.M. Markovich, 3D velocity measurements in a premixed flame by tomographic PIV // Meas. Scie. Tech., 26, 2015, 064001.
M.V. Shestakov, V.M. Dulin, M.P. Tokarev, D.Ph. Sikovsky, D.M. Markovich, PIV study of large-scale flow organisation in slot jets // Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 51, 2015, 335-352.
S.V. Alekseenko, S.P. Aktershev, A.V. Bobylev, S.M. Kharlamov, D.M. Markovich, Nonlinear forced waves in a vertical rivulet flow // J. Fluid Mech., 770, 2015, 350-373.
D.G. Arkhipov, G.A. Khabakhpashev, V.E. Zakharov, Describing dynamics of nonlinear axisymmetric waves in dispersive media with new equation // Phys. Lett. A, 379 (22), 2015, 1414-1417.
D.P. Sikovsky. Stochastic Lagrangian simulation of particle deposition in turbulent channel flows // Flow, Turb. Comb., 95 (2-3), 2015, 561-82.
R. Mullyadzhanov, M. Hadžiabdić, K. Hanjalić, LES investigation of the hysteresis regime in the cold model of a rotating-pipe swirl burner // Flow Turb. Comb., 94 (1), 2015, 175-198.
K. Hanjalić, R. Mullyadzhanov, On spatial segregation of vortices and pressure eddies in a confined slot jet // Phys. Fluids, 27 (3), 2015, 031703.
A.P. Burdukov, V.I. Popov, M.Yu. Chernetskiy, A.A. Dekterev, K. Hanjalić, Mechanical activation of micronized coal: Prospects for new combustion applications // Appl. Therm. Eng., 74 (5), 2015, 174-181.
D.M. Markovich, S.S. Abdurakipov, L.M. Chikishev, V.M. Dulin, K. Hanjalić, Comparative analysis of low-and high-swirl confined flames and jets by proper orthogonal and dynamic mode decompositions // Phys. Fluids, 26 (6), 2014, 065109.
A.Yu. Kravtsova, D.M. Markovich, K.S. Pervunin, M.V. Timoshevskiy, K. Hanjalić, High-speed visualization and PIV measurements of cavitating flows around a semi-circular leading-edge flat plate and NACA0015 hydrofoil // Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 60, 2014, 119-134.
D.Ph. Sikovsky, Singularity of inertial particle concentration in the viscous sublayer of wall-bounded turbulent flows // Flow Turb. Comb, 92 (1-2), 2014, 41-64.
A.V. Cherdantsev, D.B. Hann, B.J. Azzopardi, Study of gas-sheared liquid film in horizontal rectangular duct using high-speed LIF technique: Three-dimensional wavy structure and its relation to liquid entrainment // Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 67, 2014, 52-64.
S.V. Alekseenko, A.V. Cherdantsev, O.M. Heinz, S.M. Kharlamov, D.M. Markovich, Analysis of spatial and temporal evolution of disturbance waves and ripples in annular gas–liquid flow // Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 67, 2014, 122-134.
A.P. Burdukov, V.I. Popov, T.S. Yusupov, M.Yu. Chernetskiy, K. Hanjalić, Autothermal combustion of mechanically-activated micronized coal in a 5 MW pilot-scale combustor // Fuel, 122, 2014, 103–111.
M.Y. Chernetskiy, A.A. Dekterev, A.P. Burdukov, K. Hanjalić, Computational modeling of autothermal combustion of mechanically-activated micronized coal // Fuel, 135, 2014, 443–458.
R.I. Mullyadzhanov, N.I. Yavorsky, On the self-similar exact MHD jet solution // J. Fluid Mech., 746, 2014, 5-30.
S.V. Alekseenko, A.V. Cherdantsev, D.M. Markovich, A.V. Rabusov, Investigation of droplets entrainment and deposition in annular flow using LIF technique // Atom. Sprays, 24 (3), 2014, 197-222.
A.Yu. Kravtsova, D.M. Markovich, K.S. Pervunin, M.V. Timoshevskiy, K.Hanjalić, High-speed imaging of cavitation regimes on a round-leading-edge flat plate and NACA0015 hydrofoil // J. Vis., 16 (3), 2013, 181-184.
S.S. Abdurakipov, V.M. Dulin, D.M. Markovich, K. Hanjalic, Expanding the Stability Range of a Lifted Propane Flame by Resonant Acoustic Excitation // Comb. Scie. Tech., 185 (11), 2013, 1644-1666.
A.V. Bilsky, V.A. Lozhkin, D.M. Markovich, M.P. Tokarev, A maximum entropy reconstruction technique for tomographic particle image velocimetry // Meas. Sci. Tech., 24 (4), 2013, 045301.
S. Alekseenko, A. Cherdantsev, O. Heinz, S. Kharlamov, D. Markovich, Analysis of spatial and temporal spectra of liquid film surface in annular gas–liquid flow // Exp. Fluids, 54 (9), 2013, 1-12.
D.G. Arkhipov, G.A. Khabakhpashev, N.S. Safarova, Simulation of moderately long nonlinear spatial waves on the interface between two fluid flows in a horizontal channel // Euro. J. Mech.-B/Fluids, 39, 2013, 87-94.
M. Hadžiabdić, K. Hanjalić, R. Mullyadzhanov, LES of turbulent flow in a concentric annulus with rotating outer wall // Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 43, 2013, 74-84.
S.V. Alekseenko, V.M. Dulin, Y.S. Kozorezov, D.M. Markovich, Effect of High-Amplitude Forcing on Turbulent Combustion Intensity and Vortex Core Precession in a Strongly Swirling Lifted Propane/Air Flame // Comb. Scie. Tech., 184 (10-11), 2012, 1862-1890.
S. Alekseenko, A. Cherdantsev, M. Cherdantsev, S. Isaenkov, S. Kharlamov, D. Markovich, Application of a high-speed laser-induced fluorescence technique for studying the three-dimensional structure of annular gas–liquid flow // Exp. Fluids, 53 (1), 2012, 77-89.
V.E. Nakoryakov, V.V. Ostapenko, M.V. Bartashevich, Heat and mass transfer in the liquid film on a vertical wall in roll-wave regime // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 55 (23), 2012, 6514-6518.
V.E. Nakoryakov, N.I. Grigoryeva, M.V. Bartashevich, Heat and mass transfer in the entrance region of the falling film: Absorption, desorption, condensation and evaporation // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 54 (21-22), 2011, 4485-4490.
Y.K. Akhmetbekov, S.V. Alekseenko, V.M. Dulin, D.M. Markovich, K.S. Pervunin, Planar fluorescence for round bubble imaging and its application for the study of an axisymmetric two-phase jet // Exp. Fluids, 48 (4), 2010, 615-629.
M.Y. Hrebtov, B.B. Ilyushin, D.V. Krasinsky, Inverse energy cascade in a turbulent round jet // Phys. Rev. E, 81 (1), 2010, 016315.
S.V. Alekseenko, V.M. Dulin, Y.S. Kozorezov, D.M. Markovich, Effect of axisymmetric forcing on the structure of a swirling turbulent jet // Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 29 (6), 2008, 1699-1715.
S.V. Alekseenko, D.M. Markovich, A.R. Evseev, A.V. Bobylev, B.V. Tarasov, V.M. Karsten, Experimental investigation of liquid distribution over structured packing // AIChE journal, 54 (6), 2008, 1424-1430.
S.V. Alekseenko, A.V. Bilsky, V.M. Dulin, D.M. Markovich, Experimental study of an impinging jet with different swirl rates // Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 28 (6), 2007, 1340-1359.